Tuesday, March 18, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Schrader & Mascioli Forced To Write Down Mileage

Amidst growing competition and fears of wider recession, mid-level Company members Phil Schrader and Matt Mascioli have been forced to write down mileage. For many quarters, these runners have cut their interest in training, focusing on curbing mileage inflation and boosting employment. Even Alan Greenspan has jumped on the bandwagon of critics suggesting that Schrader and Mascioli have allowed their interest in running to lag significantly below short term nap rates for too long-- making street credit nearly impossible to obtain.

Schrader's ego appears to have been fueled entirely by easy corporate credit, where anyone able to run a continuous 5k earns a WOW rating. He'll face an uphill road in the coming months, however, as he slipped below local Coffee rates- a key historic indicator- in Sunday afternoon trading. Analysts predict that stakeholders will begin calling in options to run, particularly after his mortgage-backed Excuses expire sometime this spring.

In the summer of 2007, Mascioli famously responded to an earlier stakeholder suggestion that he write down mileage. A visibly upset Mascioli declared, "You don't even know what a write-down is!" The stakeholder agreed, but observed that Mascioli did, and that Mascioli would be the one writing it down. Mascioli is then said to have wished for those thirty seconds back, a claim he now denies.

Schrader and Mascioli have both announced that they may be forced to write down mileage all summer. The size and even the exact nature of the write-downs are still unclear.

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